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To use My Salat Mat, go through the guidebook that comes with it make sure you are getting the best out of it, although it is straightforward to use. Flatten it out to get rid of any creases and it’s ready to use. When your child stands on the feet pads, the salat starts with ‘Allahu Akbar’. Once your child goes into sujood, the pressure on the mat causes it to continue with the salat, reci

The thing with kids, is that they love to do what the big kids are doing. In my case, I am the big kid. Whether it’s lifting weights (baby ones!), cooking dinner or praying salah, my daughter just wants to grow up way too quickly. On the last one, we’ve always taken a holistic approach to teaching her Islam. We’ve not taken the usual route of sending the kid to madrassah on a Saturday morning, so the My Salah Mat has been a great way to introduce her to salah.

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Some Description

Some Description

To use My Salat Mat, go through the guidebook that comes with it make sure you are getting the best out of it, although it is straightforward to use. Flatten it out to get rid of any creases and it’s ready to use. When your child stands on the feet pads, the salat starts with ‘Allahu Akbar’. Once your child goes into sujood, the pressure on the mat causes it to continue with the salat, reci

The thing with kids, is that they love to do what the big kids are doing. In my case, I am the big kid. Whether it’s lifting weights (baby ones!), cooking dinner or praying salah, my daughter just wants to grow up way too quickly. On the last one, we’ve always taken a holistic approach to teaching her Islam. We’ve not taken the usual route of sending the kid to madrassah on a Saturday morning, so the My Salah Mat has been a great way to introduce her to salah.

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